
Monday, September 2, 2013

I Finally Made my Cleaning Schedule!

And here it is!

So as I said before, we only have a two bedroom apartment but I have a very busy school and life schedule, therefore a cleaning schedule to do a little day by day to maintain entertaining readiness was absolutely necessary. I have it divided by days with one free day (outside of laundry) and a moderate amount of cleaning done daily. Since my house is already clean and I am starting now, I do not expect to have to use a lot of time on cleaning any of these things. Unless something huge happens most of these things will be purely maintenance of cleanliness and should take on average an hour to a max of two hours (outside of Tuesday organization days).

So please enjoy! Now that the school year has gotten more solid and we are getting more and more settled you will see me on here more and more :) 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcome to my new space and my new blog! I'm Sloane I'm a student who recently relocated to the southern United States, and I am absolutely terrible at getting things done. But I want to change that! For that reason, I made this blog to help organize my life and get things I want done accomplished. I have a very loving boyfriend who I live with, that makes my life a little more sweet and a little more hectic at the same time. He is my taste tester and my lab rat (thank god he doesn't know about this blog yet he would run for the hills!) and many of the recipes and D.I.Y. posts that will be tried on here will be ran through him for his seal of approval. Anyway, let us begin this journey. And Welcome to my new home!

I've had 2 apartments outside of this one, and the layout and location of this one is by far my favorite. We previously lived in the city. After 2 years of being sick of the hustle and bustle we decided to settle down and move to the 'burbs where so far we have found much comfort and joy. Only issue is, moving makes my job harder XD. I have so much to unpack (considering bub is at work all day) and I only have a week before my classes start back so I have a lot to do. Here are photos to show the work ahead and what the next weeks posts will focus on:

So much more space than our last places, instead of one walk in closet we have two wall length

Wires EVERYWHERE. The cons of living with a tech freak/computer science major!

This bay window is my pride and joy, the decorating I will be able to do with this!!!
The things my nightmares are made of...
As you can see I have a lot of work to be done. Not to mention cleaning up after bub while trying to unpack and maintain a space of sanity. Also, being the broke college students we are I am trying to make this house a home on a very small budget. Lord be with me.

Check back with y'all soon!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

I am so excited to be finally making this page. After 3 days, 2 hours, and 5 different blogging platforms, I now have decent grasp of how to work this thing. You'd think because of how experienced I am with blogs I'd be a lot better at doing this. 

Anyway, welcome to my space : ) My name is Sloane, I am a student in her senior year studying political science in the southern United States. I am a girl of many interests that range from political debate to shoddy reality shows. Since I was in middle school I had a complete plan for my life. I was hell bent on going to college, then law school, becoming a big name lawyer and going into politcs to become rich, powerful and famous. I aligned myself with all of the right people, went to the right school made the right moves until I realized how unhappy I truly was. It took some years, the loss of my father,  the growth in relationship with my mother, and the gain of love to make me realize how much I was planning to miss in my life. From that I found my own way and started working towards gaining success that was my standard, not the standards of others. 

For that reason, I created this blog. It is going to be my happy place to share the things I love and want to try. It is also going to be my place to foster the reorganization and centering of my life. I hope everyone who encounters it enjoys it as much as I will enjoy sharing.

With much love,
